Before Christ came to us, we were living under the law.

The law was given to Moses and taught people what sin was and about the consequences of sin.

Romans 10:4 tells us that Christ is the end of the law. Up until Christ's sacrifice on the cross,  everyone was subject to the law. But as soon as he was resurrected, the Law was replaced by grace.

Whereas before Christ, God was mainly concerned with the nation of Israel, (because they were the only ones who chose Yahweh -Translated as Jehovah in our language - as their God), but, because they gradually substituted their own laws for His, after the resurrection He gave Himself to the whole world, so that anyone who called on His name would be acceptable to Him. He achieved this through Jesus on the cross. (10:18-20) 

Jesus became the end of the law and the beginning of God's grace through the redemption of sins. Gentiles have become heirs to the blessings and the kingdom of God. However, our Heavenly Father does not forget His promises and will not only save a 'remnant' of Jews, but will make them of high esteem in the world. (Romans 11:1-6, and Zechariah chapter 8 All verses).

If I understand it properly, We are all consigned* to Jesus and He will accept or reject us according to our faith.

Those who truly believe do the things Jesus did, because He is our example of the love of God, and He will know who truly believes and who say they believe but really don't.   

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*consigned in my dictionary means; 1/ to entrust (something) to somebody's care. 2/ to address (something) to an agent to be cared for or sold. 3/ to commit (something) to a place where it will be got rid of.

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