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To develop and grow spiritually, we have to live our faith out.

We are not made perfect as soon as we believe, but we are accepted as righteous through Jesus.

As we walk through our lives with Jesus, he changes us. We should not walk along trying to change ourselves  – God does it for us. All we need to do is hang on to the vine (John 15: 1-7), by spending time with our Heavenly Father through our mediator - Jesus.

As we walk along the path with Jesus, he helps us to recognise when we are doing something that is not in line with his plan for us, and he helps us to get into right thinking. When we think right, we do right.  If we put lots of effort into trying to be nice/good, we are setting ourselves up to fail, because we don’t have the understanding needed to change our ways. When you completely understand what God wants from you, and you have put yourself in his hands, you change – often without realizing it until it is pointed out to you.

 If we are working hard to repent  or make up for our past, we drain the joy out of life, exhaust ourselves and become unable to do the things God is asking us to do.

We cannot get a sound mind by our own willpower, we haven’t got enough – but God has an abundance of strength that he will share with us.

1Peter 2 says, 'Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,  now that you have tasted that the Lord is good'. It goes on to say, as you come to Jesus - the living stone, you are being built up into a spiritual house. This means as a church, but also as an individual. Take time to be still, and let Him do His best for you. His best is more than you can imagine! And we grow the most when we accept that we can do nothing by ourselves and put our lives completely in His hands.   

Our God is so great! He has so much power, yet so much love. He is waiting for us to ask him for help. He has more than we could ever ask for anyway, and he is so ready to share it! Give him the chance. Ask him for understanding and wisdom, and he will give it to you. Search for him and you will find him – he already sees you anyway!

This is how I understand Him, but I can make mistakes. Get yourself a bible and read for yourself. Get a personal relationship with Him.