Picture this.

A father is making his children’s dinner. He is making all their favourite foods because he loves his children very much. His children are outside playing. Some are in the garden, some have gone into the woods and some have gone into the town. He is aware that there is a storm heading towards them. He looks out of the window and sees the storm getting closer, so he goes to the door and calls his children in.

Because some can’t hear him, he sends one who is willing to go out and fetch the others. He has given that one the authority to warn the children of the impending storm and bring the children home if they will come. 

He has not ordered the one to drag the children in kicking and screaming, but to warn them that they are in danger and they need to come home.

They ignore him, so he sends another and another. Finally, he goes out himself and pleads with his children to come home.  Again, he does not force them, but gives them the choice and goes home. But he is anxious for his children and holds out to the very last moment before closing the door against the storm. Then he cannot open the door to any who knock, because it is too late, the storm is upon them and he must keep those who came home safe. Those who come home will be given a glorious supper to celebrate their return. (described as the marriage supper in Revelations 19). Those who don't will be lost.

This is how I picture how things will go. 

Notice, he is not a tyrant. He asks – even pleads with his children to come to safety. He will take the innocent and those too young to know what is going on, but the older ones will be allowed to choose. He is hurt when they reject Him, but still loves them and will accept them into His house even up to the eleventh hour. (Matthew 20:9 In new king James version. The NIV simply says they were hired up to 5 in the afternoon, which I believe was the start of the last hour before the end of the working day). However, if they leave it too late, the doors will be shut.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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