While listening to ‘Empty Grave,' by Zach Williams, I thought “Lord, roll the stones away from our graves.”
Jesus bought life for us on the cross, but sometimes we sit in dark, lonely graves with stones of our own making blocking our way out.
What I mean is, Sometimes, something happens to hurt us, or knock us back, or sometimes we just get run down by life’s struggles and we begin to mentally retreat into our pain, sadness, or exhaustion, and we don’t realise it is happening.
The effect is, we are, spiritually, retreating into a dark, lonely place, and we roll a stone in front of us to keep the light out because we cannot cope with it. It’s an odd, self crippling of our emotions. It affects our relationships with family and friends, and we can do and say some very hurtful things to those we love. Soon, the stone becomes too big for us to move by ourselves, and we are lost in a dark world of our own creation.
The only place we can go for help is Heaven. This is the way to open our home-made graves.
When we turn to God in prayer, he hears us. (Sometimes we don’t even know we are praying, but when we do, he hears us).
When we realise we are sinking into depression, we need to pray, and keep praying until he has moved the stone away and we can face the light again. It doesn’t have to be a big, eloquent prayer. Just the Lord’s prayer, or a simple “Lord/Jesus, help me!”
Jesus will be there, holding us up and taking every step with us. He will never leave us alone. Even when we lose sight of him, he never loses sight of us – even in our darkest places, he sees us and the distress we are in - and he cannot help but come to us when we call on him.
Because his love for us is so great, he will not leave us alone in the dark. He will roll the stone for us, (He is excellent at rolling stones away), he will bring us back into the light and strengthen us again. (Hebrews 13:5-6), (Luke 15), (Psalm 119:28), (Isaiah 35:3-4), (Acts 14:22), (Revelations 3:2-3).
Wake up and turn to the Lord.
May he strengthen our hearts so that we will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones. (Adapted from 1 Thesselonians 3:13)
This is how I understand my God
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