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For many years, I felt like I didn’t matter in any real sense. I mean I got on with life, but I felt that I was not important – that people would probably manage better without me than with me.

When I was young, I tried to take my own life because I was struggling with life and felt that I was causing even more problems for my family. I could not envisage a time when I would have any value in this world. I had nothing to offer anyone. I felt that for the most part, I was just in the way. So, I decided to end it. Luckily, my mom caught me before I could take the pills that I had lined up on the side. But even though I gradually improved and appeared more confident to everyone, I always felt generally like I was of very little use to those around me, even my own family. Then I met Jesus.

Jesus showed me that I matter to him.

He showed me that he loves me and values me in a deep, loving, caring sense. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. He loves me as I am. He sees some good in me and helps me to bring that out. He knows the things I struggle with and helps me overcome them. He also gave me a purpose. He said, “I love you and all mankind, tell them that they matter to me.”

So here I am telling you that Jesus loves you and you *matter to him – whatever your situation, whatever you’ve done previously, he loves you and is calling out to you to turn to him and be healed.

He has been with me, and helped me through all my depressions and struggles in life and he will be with you too. (Isaiah 43:1). Even though you may not see it yourself, he can see something good in you and something he can use to show people of his abundant love for them. (Luke 19)

Give Jesus a chance. Turn to him and you will be forgiven everything you ever did wrong, and I mean everything! And he will choose you for great things. (Romans 8:28).

Put your trust in God the Father, through Jesus Christ our Saviour and his spirit will guide you in all things. (John 14:26).

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Matter means to be important or significant

Added note:

I just want to say that my family have loved and cared for me throughout all these times of self doubt. I don't know where these feelings came from, I just know they were, and are, intense, and only Jesus gets me out of them. (I suppose the devil knows my weaknesses and tries to use them against me, but Jesus wins every time because he has the power, and I matter very much to him)!!