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I’ve been reading Romans chapter 1 today and this is a short summery of what I discovered so far.

Paul is talking to the Romans who have accepted Jesus and begins by praying grace and peace on them and praising them for their faith.

In verse 16 Paul says he is not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.

Verse 17 says that it is written “The righteous will live by faith.” Paul has taken this scripture from Habakkuk 2:4. Habakkuk is complaining to God asking him why he is not listening to his prayers, and how long will he tolerate injustice, wrongdoing, and wickedness. God replies he sees, and he has an appointed time to reveal his plan.

Now we all want instant results, that is our nature, but God does not work that way. From the time of the fall of Adam and Eve, he set in motion a plan of salvation, and it takes time. We will probably find out at some point that his plan was perfect and the only way to help us come back to him. But because time is different for us, we feel like he has forgotten us, or that he is indifferent to the suffering of the innocent. Not true!

He loves us with a deep love that *transcends time. Therefore, the gospel is shameless - because He is pure love. He is the best Father you could have. He gives himself totally to you and cherishes you.

Jesus example of living is pure love in action. It is how God loves us and how we should love each other and the world we live in.

It is, as Paul says, the power of salvation. Through the gospel, we are forgiven, loved, and saved from the consequences of our sins. That is why it is ‘good news.’ That is why we should not be ashamed to spread the good news!

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Transends, meaning;

'be or go beyond the range or limits of.'