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When Jesus was baptised and received the Father’s blessings, he was immediately sent into the wilderness where he was weakened with hunger and thirst before being tempted by the devil.

Satan wanted to make Jesus doubt himself and his mission.

Jesus replies were scriptures.

When we accept Christ, we have received God's blessings, but we can also come under scrutiny from the devil, who will place all sorts of opposition in our path to prevent us achieving what God has planned for us.

Our replies should be scriptures!

We should endeavour to remember scriptures that put Jesus in front  of us. (See the armour of God Ephesians 6:14-16).

Now my memory is not good, I have always struggled with it, so if I am confronted by something, I will need to rely totally on the Holy Spirit to bring them to my mind.

Jesus told the disciples that he had much more to tell them, but they could not yet bare it, but that the Spirit of truth would guide them into all truth! So this is where I put my hope.

He also told them not to worry about what to say when people question them, 'for the Holy Spirit will teach you at the right time what you should say. (see John 16:12-14, and Luke 12:11-13).

I have often thought that we can over complicate faith, and I wonder now if the devil will try to use that to confuse us. But we can be assured that our God is with us, His word is true, everlasting and unbreakable, so use the scriptures in your prayers and focus on Jesus.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.