I had a wonderful half hour or so of praise this morning.
I woke up singing 'you know my name.'
I am always amazed by the thought that in everything God has made and has done, i.e. Galaxies, planets stars, the earth, all the creatures and plants angels, mankind etc; Yet in all this - He knows my name.
And more than that, He knows me, my personality. I'm nothing special - a sinner like everyone else, so small in the scheme of things. Yet he still loves me enough to know my name. He sees me and can use me.
It is only through Jesus that I am counted as worthy enough to use. It is only through Jesus that I have forgiveness, and it only through Jesus that I am counted as righteous.
Only in Jesus - not on my own merits. and not only me but you also if you ask him.
It's amazing!
One day, we will be with our God. No pain, no stress, no loss,...Just joy because he knows our names.