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This chapter is talking about how Elijah has done lots of amazing things for God but has now ‘run out of steam’ and is running away to hide.

This speaks so much to us. As humans, we can do a great deal of things, but there comes a point when we have to stop – rest – then get going again.

When Elijah suddenly ran away and was saying to God, ‘I’ve worked hard for you and done everything you have asked, but I can’t do any more, I’ve done enough!!’ He even says, ‘Take my life, I am no better than my ancestors.’

I feel for him. I think we can all relate to those sorts of feelings.

We work hard, go the extra mile, then suddenly…we run out of steam and grind to a halt. We feel exhausted, unappreciated, and alone. All we can do is lie down and go to sleep.

Our heavenly Father shows his loving nature at this point with Elijah when he sends an angel with food and water, and lets Elijah rest. When he felt strengthened by the food, Elijah got up and travelled for forty days and nights until he came to a cave on Mount Horeb where he spent the night.

God did not stop him. He did not get angry with Elijah, he walked along with him. When the time was right, God asked Elijah “What are you doing here?” Then Elijah’s feelings come rushing out. He felt alone and scared and unable to keep battling the number of people who were coming against him.

God then showed Elijah his power by sending a strong wind which tore the mountains apart, then an earthquake, and then fire. But the Lord was not in those things, they were just the evidence of his power. He was in the gentle whisper to which Elijah responded. Our loving Father then told Elijah to go back the way he had come and anoint several people. He also explained to Elijah that not only has he chosen a successor for him, but that they would sort out those who rejected God. He also told Elijah that he had reserved seven thousand Israelites who had not bowed the knee to Baal nor worshipped Baals image, which Elijah clearly had no idea of.

What I take from this account of Elijah’s life is that God sees what we do. He knows how we feel, he understands us very well, he takes care of those who serve him and notices those who do not worship false gods. And, in the end, he rewards those who do his work.

So, trust in the love of our Father in heaven. Rest when you need to, then get up and keep going.

He sees what you do and is keeping a note of it.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.