While reading 1 John 3:8 My attention was caught on one sentence.

'He who commits sin is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning.

The reason the Son of Man appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.'

The devil has, from the beginning, contrived to interfere and change what our Heavenly Father put in place. It is he who bought evil into the world, and it is he who  continually incites us to dissatisfaction, anger, revenge, pride, lust, greed domination of others, selfishness etc: (It says somewhere in the bible, that when God asked Satan what he was doing, he said "walking here and there." )

The chaos in the world among mankind is entirely down to the devil's plans and our weakness. If we resisted the devil, he would flee. (James 4:7)

Our willingness to do the wrong things angers and upsets our God. Now our God is powerful enough to destroy everything, but because of his loving nature, he gives us a way to escape his wrath - JESUS.

This is the reason Christ came into the world. To destroy the works of the devil and rescue us from our sins. He achieved this by taking all of our sins onto his own body and dying on the cross, and in exchange, in his grace, he gave us his own righteousness, so that any one who turns to Jesus/accepts Jesus into their life, will be seen by the Father as clean and sin free, so that in the last day, they will be saved from destruction.

This is madness to those who don't understand God's immense love for us. But for those of us who believe, it is life, and life eternal. 

Our God is real, he is kind and loving. Slow to anger and quick to forgive, and, he is willing to give part of himself up to the cross to save his creations. 

What a wonderful God we have.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

Contrived means; 1. Deliberately created, rather than arising naturally or spontaneously

                                 2. Created or arranged in a way that seems artificial or unrealistic.

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