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Hebrews 10:3 says the annual sacrifices that were given in the law of Moses were a continual ‘reminder of sin,’ but that the blood of goats and bulls could not take away sin altogether, so Jesus said, “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” And in doing the Father’s will by going to the cross, he set aside the first (law) to establish the second, (grace), through which we have been made holy once and for all. It is our faith in his sacrifice and our willingness to change our ways that please God. Because we choose Jesus he says, “I will put my laws int their hearts and I will write them on their minds.” Then he adds, “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.” How amazing Is that!!!

Now the author was talking to the Jews, but this also applies to us who follow after Jesus, because Jesus sent his disciples into the world to spread the good news!

His sacrifice is utterly amazing! It has accomplished everything needed for us to be reconciled to God. (Romans 5:10). The only thing we need to do is believe in God and the one he sent and follow his example.

Jesus did what he saw his Father do* He is asking us to follow his example of love, forgiveness, and kindness to all we meet along the way.

And he has left us with his spirit of peace. (John 14:27). It is a permanent peace that goes beyond anything that happens around us or to us. Because whatever happens, we have Jesus! We are, spiritually speaking, sprinkled in his blood, and it is his blood that covers our sins so that the Father sees them no more! That is why at the last day we will be able to stand – because we stand not in our works but in his. And that is why our Heavenly Father will be able to come and live with us in the new world he creates. (Revelation 21:3).

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*There is a scripture for this, but I can’t find it at the moment.