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One of the side effects of grief is guilt.

It seems that in our weakened state, we immediately think about all the things we feel we should have said, or should have done, and this can send us into a deep depression if we are not careful.

In this situation we should give it to the Lord. Just hand it over to him. Say, for example, “Lord, I feel so bad that I didn’t do…. Or I didn’t say …. I’m so sorry Lord. Please forgive me.”

Then pray for the person/situation you are worried about and get on with your day.I did this recently and I suddenly realised later in the day that the guilt had gone! I had complete peace – and you know what? Even though I believe in a truly forgiving, loving God, for a while, I couldn’t understand it. I thought there was something wrong with me because I didn’t feel guilty anymore, and I thought I should do because I hadn’t done or said the right things.

Then I heard Psalm 23 and realised that God had restored my soul, not because I am good, but because He is good.

All I can do is praise Him and tell others what he has done for me.

I pray that you all have the love I have in Jesus. I was a lost sheep like everyone else, but I have a good shepherd who laid down his life for me. He will always be there for me, and he will be there for you too if you want him.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.