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*Roughly quoted from something I saw on you tube.

**Reprieve means; Cancellation or postpone the punishment.


I heard something that made me think I need to explain what sin is to God, because so many people do not know. They have never read and understood the bible, and they think that God and hell is something made up to coerce children into doing what they are told – like the Easter bunny, Santa Clause etc.

Not so!

To us, I would say sin is mainly something other people do. I think we rarely recognize nor accept our own sins, because we make excuses for ourselves and forgive ourselves quickly, but when someone else says or does something to upset us – ‘they are awful people,’ ‘they are horrible,’ ‘selfish people,’ they are wrong!! We say, “I am a good person, I haven’t killed anyone, and I do my best to live a good life.” We skip over everything we have done in the past and pretend it hasn’t happened, because we don’t want others to know our faults. I think it is an instinct of self-preservation and ego – not something we even notice we do, and if we do, as I said before, we excuse ourselves.

To God though, anyone who breaks his commands has sinned. Jesus expands the meaning by saying to God, even thinking about doing wrong is unacceptable. For example;

*‘Have you ever told a lie? Even a small one? Then you have become a liar.

Have you ever wished someone dead when angry? Then you are a murderer at heart. Even being angry with a brother or sister in Christ can make you subject to judgement. (Matthew 5:29)

Have you ever looked lustfully at someone who is not your spouse? Then you are an adulterer at heart. (Matthew 5:27-28).

Have you ever said, ‘Jesus Christ!’ or Oh my God!’ when angry or surprised? Then you are a blasphemer. (Exodus 20:7).

Have you ever got angry or rejected your parents good teaching? Then you dishonoured your parents. (Exodus 20:12).’

Have you ever ignored the poor and bought stuff you don’t really need? Then you have not loved your neigbour as yourself.’ (Mark 12:31).

 If wrong thinking upsets God, how much more our actual actions or lack of action?

To God, sin is sin. Sin costs us our lives. All sin leads to death, God says “the wages of sin is death.” (Proverbs 10:16, Romans 6:23). As I’ve said before, God has an expected target of acceptable behaviour, and whether you miss by an inch, or a mile, you have still missed the target, and you don’t get the prize. That’s it, his sentence is death.  You may think, “How can anyone get to heaven then?” Well, with man this is not possible because we are sinners at heart and we are weak – but with God, all things are possible!

This is how he helped us, because of his love for us, he gave us a way out. First it was with burnt offerings, to show your sorrow at breaking his laws, (Exodus 20:24), then, as he could see that wasn’t working, a final **reprieve through Jesus Christ. Jesus, who did no wrong, took the place of all sinners. He took the punishment we deserve, so that we could be forgiven by God the Father and walk free from his court. His judgement will not fall on us because we believe in the one he sent. (John 16:29) It cost a lot for the Father to give up his only begotten Son, and it cost a lot for Jesus to give up everything he had in heaven to come and suffer such a beating and horrible shameful death (which it was considered at that time).

We all need Jesus -we have all sinned and offended our creator! He made a beautiful world for us. He gave us the privilege of naming everything and looking after his world. He has promised good to all who follow him, and he continually gives us chances to turn back to him, then he forgives us quickly when we do. He is a good, loving God. We don’t deserve the sacrifice he made, but still, he did it freely. I mean, what’s not to love about a God like that?

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.