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Whilst reading 1 Corinthians chapter 3, I was reminded that Jesus is the *cornerstone on which the whole building, (church), rests. Without the cornerstone a buildings foundation would be unsecure and unlevel.

Paul says to the church at Corinth, (in a rough explanation), “Why bicker amongst yourselves about belonging to Paul or to Apolos? We are servants! I planted and Apolos watered, but we are fellow workers. We all belong to the one who gives us growth – God. I built a foundation, and another is building upon that foundation. The foundation I build is Jesus Christ.”

No other foundation is sound enough to carry the church. So, if your church does not have Jesus Christ dying and rising for mankind’s redemption as its foundation, find one that does. You will know them by their works. If they proclaim Jesus and do good in the community. If they are caring, loving and forgiving towards each other and welcome all who believe equally, that is probably a good church. However, if they are money motivated, focus on sin and punishment, are harsh and unforgiving with each other and value the wealthy over the poor, you may need to look for somewhere else

Paul tells us often that he is nothing, it is God through Jesus that counts. Just read his greetings and final words to see who he is proclaiming. And If Paul is nothing then I am less, because Paul builds on Christ and I read Paul's words and tell others as I understand them.

But it is Jesus who is our Lord, our Saviour and our Redeemer. We pray to the Father through Jesus. It is Jesus who should be our focus as it is his teaching’s we all proclaim! It is Jesus who intercedes for us to the Father and all things will come together under Christ, to the glory of God the Father. (Ephesians 1:15-23, Philipians 2:9-11 &3:20).

We go to Jesus, and Jesus as our good shepherd, takes us home to the Father.  Jesus is the one we should follow – our choice (given by God) is to believe it or not.

This is how I understand my God. Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Cornerstone see Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 28:16, Zechariah 10:4, Matthew 21:42, Ephesians 2:20