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If you feel that you have an opportunity to speak God's word to someone, take a chance and say it.

If you feel that you have an opportunity to bless someone, take a chance and say it.

If you feel that you have a chance to help someone, take a chance and do it.

This sounds simple, but it isn't often very simple because we have a battle going on in our heads. We have God asking us to trust him, and we want to. But we also have the devil playing on our own fears and whispering "What if ...?" I.e. "What if you forget the words?" "What if you make the person angry?" "what if they laugh at you? you will look like an idiot!" "What if they need more than you feel able to give?"

In a few seconds all sorts of scenario's flash through our minds.

These thoughts take hold of us and stop us in our tracks. To my shame, I have missed opportunities in fear of looking stupid and feeling humiliated, but I have always regretted not acting on something I felt God was asking me to do. I would be mortified to think that someone may be lost because of my fear of speaking up, and I pray that God will find another way to reach those he is calling - which I'm sure he will, because he is able to do anything, and he is not willing to lose anyone. My feelings of failure sweep over me in these times and it takes me a while to remember that he has forgiven me already, I just need to receive it and forgive myself.

I heard the scripture recently of how Peter denied Jesus 3 times after he had promised Jesus fervently that he would never forsake him.

Peter was devastated when he realised his own weakness, but ran to Jesus when he saw him again after the resurrection, knowing he was forgiven. (Matthew 26:31-35, John 21:3-14).

How fabulous is our God? How many other 'gods' are so completely humble, kind and loving as ours that we could run to them with joy in our hearts even though we fail them?

Our God is soooo Good to us. I, for one, am very grateful to have him in my life.

This is how I understand my God.

As always, read for yourself, see what you think