This may be our ever-shortening window of opportunity to get to know Jesus and be forgiven before he returns to sort everything out.

Someone put it very clearly the other day when he said, ‘Satan’s desire is to own and run the world apart/seperate from God, and it is still at work now. Our world is now, more than ever, coming under Satan’s attempt to control the Globe’

He uses leaders and nations to achieve this, by causing chaos and dissent, then using that negativity to overcome common sense and good – as we are seeing now in Britain. It has happened many times over the centuries, and people rarely realise their mistakes until it’s too late and evil rules.

Up to now, ruling the world has been stopped in its tracks, and the regimes collapse and break up again. But, 'Satan doesn’t give up, he finds other people to control and deceive,' and starts it all again, and, with the breakdown of belief in God coupled with the technology we have now, Satan is fast gaining control - as we have been forewarned in Revelation.

 He is achieving it under the headings, ‘One world,’  or ‘New world order.’ [Hitler used the term ‘Neuordnung’ It means New order/reorganization. He started with the ‘European New Order,’ but planned it for the world].  Satan convinces people that we can change the world because our destiny is in our own hands. He convinces us that we are in control of our own lives, when in reality, this is far from the truth and far from his real intentions. He is working behind the scenes until the day we have one world government, under one leader, then, when he feels he has it all, he will step forward, claim to be God, and demand worship. As I understand it, when he and those who follow him try to overrun and wipe out Israel, this is when Jesus will return and put things right!

It will be an increasingly horrible time, and no-one will be able to avoid the chaos and oppression, which is why Jesus says in Revelation 14:12, “This calls for the patient endurance of the saints who keep his commands and remain faithful to Jesus. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”

It sounds bad, and it is, but the consequences of rejecting Jesus are far worse and longer lasting.

So, in this small window of opportunity, get a bible, pray for truth to be revealed to you and seek the Lord while you still can.


This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.