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How do we know which path is the right one? Do all paths lead to God as I have heard some say?
Well, no. The path that leads to God is Jesus. He is THE way not 'a' way.
He shows us by example as well as words which way to go.

If we stick to Jesus teachings, we can't go wrong really. If we do our best to follow his example and put our lives in his loving hands, we will stay on the right path. And when we make a mistake, as we probably will - probably more than once, because that is our nature, we can be assured that we are forgiven because that is the reason for the cross. All we have to do is to genuinly say sorry, re-affirm our faith in God and the one he sent - Jesus Christ and put things back in his hands.

Then or feet will be directed, if not physically placed, back on the path he intended for us. If we give it all to Jesus,  all will be well with our souls and our lives. Even if we can't see where the path is going, we know that the one who is leading us, loves us. He knows what is going to happen next. He holds us in his hands, our future is secure, and we can be filled with a peace and joy that the world cannot understand, even in very difficult situations!

This *confounds non believers who can only see the here and now. (Psalm 16, especially verse 11).

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Confound in this case means -cause surprise or confusion in (someone), especially by not according with their expectations.