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Do we really need to meet every week?


Yes! Jesus attended the synagogue while he was on the earth, (Matthew 12:9, Mark 1:21, Luke 4:16, Acts 13:14), and it is important for Christians to get together in groups, not only to worship and praise our Lord together, but also to feel part of a family and therefore encourage each other, especially when times are hard. Hebrews 10:25 says ‘Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more so as we see the day approaching, and it seems to me that the day may be quite close now.

It doesn’t have to be on a Sunday though, most churches have mid-week services, but it is important to meet regularly with other Christians.

We are very lucky in this country that we are able to meet openly and declare our faith openly. One of my regular prayers is that this will continue. It is not possible in many places of the world. So, we should use the opportunity, with thanksgiving, to get together and worship, as one, as often as we can.

Let's not waste our freedom. I'm sure we could all find reasons not to bother going out, but we may be allowing the devil to talk us into giving up without us even realising it.

This is how I understand my God, Read for yourself, see what you think.


My bible says ‘The author of Hebrews is unclear, but it was apparently written to the Jewish converts who were in constant danger of being drawn back into Judaism or of attaching too much importance to ceremonial observances.’ So, they needed to meet together to encourage each other to stand firm in their faith in Christ. I feel that we need to make our stand now, before we lose our way in the daily demands of our lives.