When we see someone doing something we consider to be sinful, we tend to judge instantly and blame them for being evil. But that person is held just as captive by their sins as we were held captive by our sins before we came to Jesus, and on top of that it was not our good works that set us free, we weren’t good enough to earn that freedom, it was Jesus who set us free by his grace. We didn’t free ourselves and we must remember that God wants to set everyone free, even a person you may struggle to like.

The lord said in Deuteronomy 32:33, “it is mine to avenge” and in verse 36 He says “The Lord will judge his people and have compassion on his servants”

In Psalm 50:4 it says, “He summons the heavens above and the earth, that He may judge His people.”

And in Matthew 7:1-5 Jesus tells us, “Do not judge or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged and with the same measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

If we judge others, especially our Christian brothers and sisters by saying i.e. “you are going to hell for doing this!” or “God will condemn you/strike you down for doing that,” we are effectively taking on the role of the Lord and deciding who is worthy and who isn’t. Not only that, but are we picking specks out of the eyes of others when we ourselves have huge chunks of dirt in our own eyes that we cannot see? (Matthew 7:4)

Does that mean we should stop discussing what is right and wrong? No! we should always teach the scriptures on how to behave and encourage each other to become more Christ like (Romans 12:9-20). But we do not have the right to tell someone they are doomed for doing something wrong. It may be that God will find a way to reach that person and bring them to repentance, thereby forgiving them. Note that in verse 36 it says he will ‘have compassion on his servants.’ That applies to others as well as you, even if you don’t much like that person.

You can hate the sin, but not the person.

God loves the person you are condemning as much as He loves you. Even though you may be revolted by what they are doing, remember that our Heavenly Father loves everyone the same, and He forgave you of your faults! So instead of judging, pray for them.

Instead of blaming them, pray for release from the grip of the devil.

Those who are strong should bear with the failings of the weak and build them up for their good.

Pray for them as Christ prayed for you! And who knows? they may be in heaven with you when our Lord comes to collect us to be with Himself! (John 14:1-3)

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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