I told someone this week that the trouble she was going through was a test. I often say it, in a lighthearted way, to explain situatiions that I can't understand, and she said to me quite strongly, (and rightly), that she didn't want to be tested, she is fed up of 'being tested,' she just wants things to go well for a change.

This made me think about how flippant I was with her feelings. It also made me ask the question are we being tested all the time? does God test us continually? So I meditated on it and came to the conclusion that, yes at times he tests our faith, (James 1:12), but not everything is a test, some things are just life! Some things just happen, they are usually someone's fault, as in this case, but we all make mistakes sometimes, and those mistakes have consequences. Now the devil will compound that mistake/consequence with bad feelings of anger, depression, and lies to keep you from turning to God for help. He is happy to keep you from God and keep you feeling miserable, because he does not want to be in hell alone!

What makes the difference to how things turn out is faith!

Those who have faith deal with difficulties better because we give them to God, who has the power and the will to help us, and we know that if God is in our situation, we can be sure of getting back more than we have lost. (Matthew 7:7, John 11:22). Faith gets us back what we have lost and more! (see Job), because we are trusting God with our disasters, so he blesses us for our faith. We don't have to work for it, he gives it freely through the sacrifice of Jesus. This is what Jesus bought for us on the cross - redemption from sin and blessings from our Father in heaven.

proverbs 10:22 says, 'The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.'

Hebrews 11:1 says, 'faith is being sure of what is hoped for, certain of what we do not yet see.' 

God does not intend for us to live in difficulties. Somewhere in the bible it says, 'they do not have because they do not ask.' But it not just in the asking, it is in the believing that he wants to give you what you desire. He cannot however give you anything evil, because it is not in his nature to do so, and if you are asking him to, for instance, help you take revenge on someone, he will not do it. But if you are asking, through Jesus, for help to get through a difficult situation, he will help you and restore back to you anything you have lost, with extra's! 

Faith brings blessing, moves mountains (Matthew 17:20), and protects us from evil, illnesses and immorality.

Faith is a shield 'with which you can extinguish the arrows of the evil one' (Ephesians 6:16). it is part of the armour of God (Eph. 6:14-18). 

Faith is the key - use it!

This is how I understand my God, see what you think.

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