That sounds  completely wierd doesn't it? Yet I have found that when I want to talk to my Heavenly Father, sometimes I don't know what to say.

I know I need Him,  but I don't always know what to say.

Then I hear myself saying "Praise the Lord." I often say it out loud before I know I'm thinking it, which can be embarrassing when in company, but the thought persists and I say it again and again. I used to think that I was losing it a bit, which only added to my fear, but I have come to the conclusion that it is the Holy Spirit dwelling in me that is prompting me to Praise God. Because even when we are not thinking about Him, He is thinking of us, and the way to reach Him when you don't know what to say is, "Praise you Lord God, for all you do for me."

To those around us, praising God when something is wrong in your life is foolish, but God uses the foolish things to shame the 'proud.'  Plus, I believe genuinely reaching out to Him in times of difficulty pleases Him, and I believe it releases blessings He has put aside for us, so He can then work on whatever is bothering us.

If I can, I put on some praise music and sing out my love for Him, but if I'm not in a place where that is appropriate, I go into another room, lift up my head and my hands and say, "Thankyou Lord," or, "Thankyou Jesus, for all you have done and will do for me!" And I usually begin to feel better. You may do something different, it doesn't matter, as long as its from the heart. God knows you and loves you  and is waiting to hear from you - and He will reply. 

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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