Three phases of worry

1/ the actual event that has suddenly come up without warning and over which we have no control.

2/ the emotions that are stirred up because of the unexpected event, which are also out of our control. i.e. Fear - What is coming, What will happen next, will we/they die?

3/ the doubt that God is actually there with us and will help us in this situation. i.e. 'Are you there? do you care? will you help me? 

The disciples went through these feelings while on the boat in the *storm. (Luke 8:23-25)

If we go through a storm and we go to God straight away, we can be sure he is at least walking through it with us, and, also, working to remove the problem for us.

We have a perfect mediator between God and us. Jesus knows fear and what that does to us. He went through it himself, (Luke 22.42-45) But he also said, “not my will but yours,” then an angel came to strengthen him, even so, he still felt the fear intensely.

If he went through it, then we can be sure that he is with us when we go through tough stuff ourselves. Our Heavenly Father can see the end even if we can't, and he will guide us through whatever it is, just as He did for Christ.

Ask and it will be given to ask for help.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*The word storm here is taken from the Greek word lailaps which means a squall of wind/a hurricane. So it is not just a bit of a gale, it’s a full blown, overwhelming storm, which is what most unexpected problems feel like when they hit us. And like the disciples, we flail about doing everything we can to battle and overcome the problem. Then, when we feel like we are totally failing and are really scared, we go to our Lord and say, (as the disciples said to Jesus), “Lord, save us we are perishing.”

I must remind you, for those who don’t know me, that I am just an ordinary person. I’m not a church leader or anything like that. There is nothing spectacular about me, I am going through life as best I can like everyone else. I just felt that God wanted me to share my thoughts with others and I hope that something I say may help someone to just consider Christ and hopefully accept him as their Saviour. This is my hope in doing this blog. But if not, I will share my love for God as best I can to anyone who will listen.

Love to you all.

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