When Reading Exodus chapter 2 this morning, I noticed this which I’ve not noticed before.

The setting

Moses’ mother has sent her baby down the river in the hope that he will not be killed by the Pharoah’s soldiers who had been ordered to kill all newborn Hebrew males. (The reason is very interesting, see Chapter 1:8-21).  I imagine she was crying her eyes out - I would have been. His sister watched to see what happened to him. Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and decides to keep him, and Moses’ sister asks if she should fetch a nurse, (mother whose just had a baby and can feed the child).

It’s not recorded that Moses sister was questioned about why she was there, and spoke up, maybe she worked for Pharaoh’s daughter???

Moses’ sister fetches his mother and Pharaoh’s daughter says, “Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages.”

So, amazingly, Moses has been chosen by God to free his people from bondage, and to complete his plan, God uses Pharoah’s daughter and provides money for Moses’ mum to bring him up healthily. This money must have been much needed at that time as the Israelites were worth less than cattle. But God can overcome anything and everything to complete his plans.

We should keep this in mind because when he uses us to do a job, he will provide more than is necessary to complete it – even if we cannot see it when we start it. This takes faith, and faith is things hoped for that cannot yet be seen, but certainty that it will happen in God’s time and in his will.

This is how I understand my God,

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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