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I think I’ve mentioned this briefly before but I can’t remember where.

I looked up about human implants today and it was quite interesting.

A micro-chip is placed in the body, (typically in your hand between your thumb and forefinger or the nape of your neck), and it contains all sorts of info like

  • identification,
  • law enforcement issues,
  • medical history,
  • medication,
  • allergies,
  • contact information etc.

In short, anything and everything of importance. Now the idea is, if you are lost, ill, kidnapped or worse, you (or your body) can be found. These are the benefits.

The down side is that, no matter what the manufacturers say,

  • they can be hacked and your information and effectively your identity stolen.
  • They can be used to control ‘the masses’ whenever a government deems it necessary
  • Privacy is compromised

According to the UN and USA are trying to implement a law that requires everyone worldwide to be implanted, and if anyone refuses, they will have nothing! No money, no birth certificate, nothing! Which reminded me of Revelations 13

I don’t know if this is correct, but I know that implants have been talked about in America since the twin towers attack.

If this comes in world wide, I for one hope to be strong enough to say no because I believe this may be how the ‘Lawlwess one,’ (2 Thessalonians 2:8),  will gain control of the masses and make everyone have a mark to be able to buy or sell. (Revelations 13:16-18). I did think it may be a tattoo as this seems to have become a world wide fashion, but in this day and age electronic implants are a definite possibility - time will tell.

As I said, I am not totally sure yet, but I think we need to be alert and pray for guidance on this subject.

World wide, Anti- Semitism is on the rise very quickly now and we are told that in the last days Israel and Jerusalem will be attacked and surrounded by her enemies.  So even if there appears to be peace in the Middle East, believers should be alert.

Not a very nice topic, but we can’t pretend that bad things don’t or won’t happen. We have been forewarned and should be always looking out for Jesus, whatever the situation. He is the way, the truth and the life. Once we accept Jesus, we are His and nothing can take us out of His hand. We walk in his light and are protected by his blood. (1 John 1:7, 4:10 & 4:17)

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself... see what you think.

Added note:

I have also wondered recently if the statue/image of the beast, which apparently comes alive in Rev.13:13-15, will be an seems to be going that way at the moment.