In Revelations 2 & 3, Jesus makes promises to the seven churches.

He tells them what they do well, what they do wrong, and pleads with them to change their ways before He returns so that they do not fall under his anger.

At the end of each one, Jesus says 'He who has an ear,let him hear.' He also says, 'to those who overcome,' (what they are doing wrong), then he makes the following promises.

'will be given 'the right to eat fgrom the tree of life' - 2:7 

'will be saved from the second death,' 2:11

'will be given the hidden manna, and a white stone with a new name written on it known only to to him who recieves it.' 2:17.  (not sure what this means, I will need to look into it more, but I know its a good thing).

'will be given authority over the nations' 2:26

'will be dressed in white, and their name will never be blotted out of the book of life, but they will be acknowledged before the Heavely Father and the angels' 3:5-6

'will be made a pillar in the temple of God, never will he leave it. They will have the name of God written on them, and the name of new Jerusalem, and also His new name.' 3:12

'will be given the right to sit with Jesus on His throne, just as Jesus overcame and sat with His Father.'

These things need thinking about, researching, and praying for to help us understand. But when you look at Jesus, at how he lived and gave so much love. You can be sure that these blessings are wonderful treasures, worth owning. We may have to work at it, and endure for them. But to those who hold out to the end, the blessings will be overwhelming!

This is how I understand my God. Look for yourself, see what you think.

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