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While listening to our church sermon this morning, I wrote down, ‘Sin the invisible barrier.’ It was something our vicar said - I’m ashamed to say I can’t just remember what that was, but it sent my mind to a mini-series that I’d seen a couple of years ago called ‘the Dome’ where an invisible dome had covered the town, and no-one could get in or out. I lost interest in it as far as I can remember, because the characters never seemed to progress past a ‘let’s blame somebody and kill them!’ mentality, but anyway, I thought yes! That is what sin is. Its an invisible barrier between us and *Yahweh. It prevents our God from coming to us because he cannot look upon us when we sin, meaning, it upsets him deeply, and sin keeps us away from our God because we put other things in first place, i.e., lust, greed etc. If I understand correctly, this means that he cannot happily walk among us and commune with us because of the amount of sin in the world. (That is why he sent a flood in Noah’s day).

Sin is something mankind struggles to see, yet it creates a barrier between us and God. We usually deny its existence, and we definitely feel that our sins are less severe than other peoples, but to God, all sin leads to **death.

We cannot get past it by ourselves, that is why Jesus came to save us. It was the love of the Father sent down in the person of Christ that gave us the opportunity to be forgiven and accepted into his family. All we need to do is repent, ask Jesus into our lives and allow him to work in us and with us to change those things in us that are not good.

Our God loves us more than we know and much more than we deserve! So give him a chance to break down the barrier in you.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Yahweh/Jehovah is God’s name. Look it up if you want.

**I have said before, I think, that the word sin is an old archery term which means to miss the mark. So, if we think of God’s way as being the target, we have all missed. Some by and inch and some by a mile, but we have all missed, (sinned), and are not eligible to enter into his kingdom without Jesus.