I have seen this before and it really makes me understand how small we make God in our own minds. It is taken from ‘THAT’S MY KING,’ by Dr. S.M. Lockridge on you tube. There are short and longer versions – All good!

‘The bible says my king is king of the Jews

He is the King of Israel

He is the king of Righteousness

He is the king of the ages, and He is the king of heaven

He is the king of glory,

He is the king of kings, and He is the Lord of lords

My King is a Sovereign King

No means of measure can define his limitless love

He is enduringly strong, and entirely sincere

He is eternally steadfast, and immortally graceful

He is Imperially powerful, yet Impartially merciful.

He is the greatest Phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world.

He is God’s Son

He is the sinner’s Saviour

He is the centrepiece of civilisation

He is unparalleled and ***Unprecedented

He is the loftiest idea and the highest personality in Philosophy

He is the fundamental Doctrine of true theology

He is the only one qualified to be an all sufficient Saviour

He supplies strength for the weak

He is available for the tempted and the tried

He sympathises and he saves

He strengthens and He sustains

He guards and He guides

He heals the sick and cleansed the leapers

He forgives sinners and Discharges debtors

He Delivers the captive and Defends the feeble

He blesses the young, and Regards the aged

He Serves the unfortunate, Rewards the diligent and he beautifies the meek

He is the key to knowledge, and the wellspring of wisdom

He is the doorway of deliverance, and the pathway to peace

He is the roadway to righteousness, the highway to holiness, and the gateway of glory

His life is matchless and His goodness is limitless

His mercy is everlasting and His love never changes

His word is enough and His grace is sufficient

His reign is righteous.

His yolk is easy, and his burden is light

He is indescribable

He is incomprehensible

He is invincible

He is Irresistible

You can’t get him out of your mind

You can’t get him off your hand

You can’t outlive him, and you can’t live without him

The Pharisees couldn’t stand him, but they couldn’t stop him

Pilate could find no fault in him and Herod couldn’t kill him

Death couldn’t handle him, and the grave couldn’t hold him

He is unique

He is supreme

He is the miracle of the age

The *superlative of everything good, and He is the only one able to supply ALL our needs

He is the master of the mighty, and the head of Heroes

The leader of legislators, and the overseer of overcomers

The Governor of governors, and the Prince of peace

His office is **manifold

His promise is sure, and His light is matchless’


My thoughts;

He is all that we need, and everything we want

He is a tower of Strength, and a refuge for the oppressed and the needy

He is the hope of the world and the light of the world

He is the gateway to heaven

The way, the truth and the life.

He brings us life and he takes us home

He calls us friend

He is our strong defender against the evil one

And He is the best shepherd – ever!

He has the name above all names, and at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:1-11)

We should trust him completely and remember that this is our God!!

This is how I understand my God. Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Superlative means; ‘of the highest quality or degree’

** manifold means; many, various/ having many different forms or elements

*** Unprecedented means; never done or known before

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