We are all damaged in some way or other, by our upbringing

being spoiled and having everything we want when we want it.

Being taught that we are more important than everyone around us.

Being taught that thieving is an acceptable way to make a living.

Being taught that it is acceptable to kill others because among other reasons, they are: not like you/don’t believe the same as you/don’t live like you live/not worth caring about/they did it first.

Or by bullying or abuse which can strip us of our confidence and self esteem.

Or by betrayal of any kind which leaves us bitter and unable to trust anyone!

Or by depression and all kinds of negative thinking.

Or by trauma’s we see or experience – things which are outside our control which leave us fearful, vengeful, full of hatred.

There are probably many more.

When we keep hold of them, these things make us ineffective as people. They eat away at our souls, causing destruction in our life and the lives of those around us, (because our behaviour has a knock-on effect).

But there is good news!

Jesus, sees the possibilities in us to overcome these things and flourish as a person. So, he took our punishment, forgave us of all we have done and offers us freedom from the shackles that have kept us confined.

If we allow him, he takes away the oppression that is dragging us down and replaces it with a new life in him. We are born again to a better life. (John 3:3, 1 Peter 1:23). We put off our old life and begin a new one. It doesn’t mean we will not have any problems, but it means we can begin to enjoy the life we have been given and take the knocks that come our way in our stride.

He bought damaged goods, took off the wrapper and repaired the contents.

We become whole and complete in ourselves and in our God. We become useful again. We see things and people differently. Our lives are transformed!

He brought us forgiveness so that we can have life, and have it abundantly!

Praise the Lord for all he has done.

This is how I understand my God,

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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