I read somewhere that in old testament times a name was an identity as well as an identification of a person. So below are some of the ways God reveals himself to us through his names. (I've had this list for some time, so I can't remember where I got it from). [In our bibles all his names are subsituted with the generic name 'Lord.' If I get time, I may look it all up].

El Shaddai - Lord Almighty and all sufficient one.

El Elyan -The most High God.

Adonai - Lord, Master

Yahueh - (translated as Jehovah) - I am.

El olam -The everlasting God.

Qanna - Jealous.

Eloim - God my creator

Yahueh Raah - The Lord my shepherd.

Yahueh Nissi - The lord my Banner.

Yahueh Rapha - The Lord who heals.

Yahueh Shamma - The Lord is there/here.

Yahueh Tsidkenu - The Lord our Righteousness.

Yahueh Mekkoddishkem - The Lord who sanctifies you.

Yahueh Jireh - The Lord will provide.

Yahueh Saboath - The Lord of hosts.

Yahueh Shalom - The Lord is peace 

I believe a lot of the intricasies of God, and his message through Jesus Christ- also called Immanuel, which means God with us, - has been lost in translation. But the best thing is, He is there! He loves us so much he gave up His only begotten Son to the cross to bring us close to Himself. And He has forgiven us of all our sins/transgressions/faults through the blood of His Son.

How great is that?

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.


To get to know God, read for yourself, ask Him to reveal Himself to you and He will, ask Him for the truth and He will show it to you, ask Him into your life and He will come in.

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