There are some things we, Christians too, do that God really does not like.

Here are some of them.

  • Haughty eyes (Oh how I wish I could deny this! But how many of us have looked down on someone else and thought much better of ourselves than we ought to).
  • A lying tongue (Again, how I wish I could deny this, but I fall into the trap too often, kidding myself that it is for a ‘good reason’)
  • Hands that shed innocent blood (Are we guilty when we don’t help?)
  • A heart that devises wicked plans (Our heads are full of bad feelings and thoughts which we need to deny continually)
  • Feet that hasten to evil (Not knowingly, but I suspect, more than we realise throughout our lives)
  • False witnessing (Again, something I have done as a child I.E. “It wasn’t me…it was her!” Maybe more often than I care to admit)
  • A man who sows discord among his brothers or neighbours (As above)
  • Ignoring widows, orphans and the needy (Guilty by ignorance and unwillingness to think about the suffering of others)
  • Sexual immorality. (His plan for us was one man loving one woman until death parts them. No sex before marriage. Staying pure).



With man – impossible! With God, through Jesus, all things are possible.

That doesn’t mean we can get complacent; we must put on the armour of God* and fight the battles of temptation every day.

But we have hope. We hope for things yet unseen. That’s why we ask God for help every day! I hope for a clear mind and a kind, honest, loving nature without anyone or anything blocking the goodness of God.

When we ask for good things, he cannot refuse us.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.


*Ephesians 6:10-18

See proverbs 6:6-19

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