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Our sermon a few weeks ago was on the parable of the seed sower. It is a talk I’ve read and heard many times, but today it felt alive! I know that sounds odd, but many times we hear or read Gods word almost automatically, then, sometimes things just jump right out at you and you know God is speaking right into your soul. He is getting your attention for some reason, and you need to take heed and ask him what he is trying to convey to you.

A few weeks ago, as Paul (our vicar) was talking about the seed that falls onto Rocky ground where there was not much soil, (Matthew 13:1-9), I suddenly pictured the Japanese knotweed and I said, “yes Lord, but if there’s a seed underneath that hard ground, it can get through anything!!” My mind went immediately to a particular person, but I also think of all those who have had God’s word planted in them at some time in their life, but it has been covered by layers of ‘the concrete of life,’  and I prayed that God would water the seed in them and let it grow so that it breaks through all the layers of hurt, pride and teachings of unbelief they’ve had, so that they can be set free from these chains that hold them back in so many ways.

*If you know someone like this, pray for them too. If the seed of truth is in someone, and God waters it, nothing can stop it from growing!

I also read this morning that nothing is impossible with the Lord. (Matthew 19:26).

This made me certain that I was on the right track. There is nothing in this world that our God cannot do. *There is no-one that he cannot reach. No-one is unreachable for the Lord, no matter what, or how many your sins – he can and will save you if you turn to him.

His word is true and he is faithful.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

* But remember, they do have the choice of whether to accept God or reject him. It pains Jesus to be rejected, but he will not force himself on anyone.