How do we speak to God? Ephesians 5:19 says, ‘speak to one another, (believers), with pslams, hymns and spiritual songs from the spirit.’  Then it goes on to say, ‘sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.'

God loves to hear us sing to him, so don’t let anyone tell you that singing is not praising God. Don’t let anyone stop you from singing to God.

Be aware of what you are singing! Especially when singing songs other have written, but don’t stop singing. The angels are always singing praises to God. I often think that is the language of heaven – that’s how I imagine it anyway.

If you find a song that says most of what you want to say, but some things you‘re not sure of – change the words! I do it all the time, mostly because I can’t remember exactly what comes next, (LOL), but sometimes to make it what I want to say at that particular time.

Make your songs personal. Even make some up yourself. It doesn’t matter if its not in tune or doesn’t quite rhyme. If its from the heart, God will love it! That’s my thoughts!

Remember also to speak in psalms and good songs to those around you. You never know what blessings you are bringing on them as you praise God.

Remember he loves you – love him back with songs of praise.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

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