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I was reading Ephesians chapter 1 while on holiday and found this.

Paul is talking to the faithful in Christ Jesus in Ephesus. He is praising them for their faith in Jesus and their love towards each other.

He asks the Father to give them a Spirit of wisdom and Revelation of the knowledge of him, (God the Father), by having their eyes of their hearts *enlightened, so that they remember the hope we have been called to, and the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.

We inherit his glorious riches through Christ who redeemed us on the cross  for the Father, by bringing us forgiven and cleaned into his family, through his own blood. (verse 7-8)

We should pray for our eyes to be opened to the *enlightenment from God our Father. We are called to walk in that light and in the glorious hope that we are counted worthy through Christ our Saviour to stand in his presence and share in his life. Verses13-14 says we are sealed with the Holy Spirit which is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of that life.

Verse 19 says we also have the immeasurable greatness of his power in us who believe - not by our works or will, but by the Father's will and the work that Christ accomplished on the cross.

We have some difficult days ahead, so we need to remember the promise of that power we have through Christ, and the guarantee we carry in us with the Holy Spirit. We need to remember what our Father has done in the past and the power he has given us to get through this life.

I saw an advert on TV where a woman shouts against the troubles that she is facing, saying, 

'My God is faithful,

My God is powerful, 

and My God is in charge!'

This is a brilliant affirmation of faith in times of trouble!!

We need to stand with our eyes wide open and looking up to our God !! In Christ is our hope and our joy. There is no where we can be taken where he can't see us, no where we can be taken where he can't hear us, and no darkness that his light can't shine in.

This is how I understand my God,

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Enlightened in the Greek is Photizo which means to light, give light to, illuminate, shine upon. (Mounce Reverse-interlinear new testament).