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What makes a mighty Warrior? (Generalising of course)

In Worldly terms:

  • Strong muscles
  • Physical Endurance
  • A Loudmouth full of Profanities (To scare the enemy)
  • An Abundance of firepower
  • Anger/rage on the battlefield
  • A degree of Blood lust (Only for your enemy of course)
  • An ability to physically overpower/kill/injure your enemy
  • Blind trust in your leader
  • Bravery in the face of danger
  • A willingness to die in action

In Godly terms:

  • Strong faith
  • Spiritual endurance
  • A quiet mouth that speaks kindly (To woo the enemy and endeavour to make friends)
  • An abundance of prayers
  • Steadfast faith on the battlefield (Our battlefield is in our minds, hearts, and bodies)
  • A hate of injustice, inhumanity, and indifference to the suffering of others
  • An unwillingness to physically or emotionally harm other people
  • An understanding of our Heavenly Father
  • Trust in God in the face of danger
  • A willingness to die to our sins (change our minds and our harmful habits that lead to spiritual death)

There is more, but these spring to mind right now.

In short; Worldly warriors trust in their leaders, themselves and their personal abilities

God's warriors trust in the love and power of their Heavenly Father, and in HIs abilities....which far out-way anything man can do. 

This is how I understand my God. 

Read for yourself, see what you think.