Whilst reading Leviticus chapters 19 & 20, I thought "this shows God's nature quite well.

   He tells the people how to consider the poor, by not harvesting their whole crop to their borders, but to leave the edges for the poor or the sojourner.*

  He teaches us about respecting others, loving others. He teaches us what sin is, and the consequences of it. I believe that he tells us these things to keep us safe and healthy. For instance sleeping around causes and passes on venerial diseases. Not keeping clean causes infections and skin problem. Eating some things are not good for your body. He teaches us that turning to mediums and wizards instead of turning to him upsets him, and it has consequences. He definately does not like people sacrificing their children to other 'gods.' 

   If you read it with understanding instead of attitude, you see the nature of God. He is always calling to us, trying to get our attension so that we stay safe, and always warning us of the consequences of our actions. 

  Doesn't every good parent do that? 

   On top of that, he gives us Jesus as a final atonement for all our sins, so that no-one has to die. All we have to do is accept this gift. 

We have a good God and a Good Father. what more do we want?

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Sojourner = someone who resides temporarily in a place. A visitor to the area.