Whilst reading Romans chapter 4 today, I thought about the gift God gave us in Christ., and it just amazed me that a being so powerful, who just speaks whole galaxes into existence, should care for mankind. In the scheme of his things, one of his smallest creations, yet loved like sons and daughters.

And when you look at us, you have to think why? Why would he love us when we behave so badly towards each other and towards God? I don’t know. We should consider ourselves lucky that we don’t have the power he has, because who knows what we’d do? When you look at all the wars and evil mankind has done, frankly, if it were up to me, I think I’d have wiped us all out ages ago, saying “No, no, it’s not working!”

But not our God. No. His love is amazing! In his love, he gave us his only begotten Son, Christ Jesus, as an atonement for our sins.

For those who believe, Jesus’ suffering and death is a wonderful gift, used to pay the price for our sins, (including mine). And on top of that, his resurrection bought us a new life in him, and the promise of an eternal life with him.

Romans 4:7-8 says, ‘Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.'

'Blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not reckon his sin.’ Which is taken from; Psalms 32:1-2,

‘Blessed is he whose *transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.

Blessed is the man to whom the Lord ** imputes no iniquity, and in whose spirit, there is no deceit.’

Through Jesus, we are counted as ***Righteous, and our sins are covered, and because the day of the Lord is fast approaching, this is the best gift we could ever receive!

He loves you and me as much as he did Abraham. Abraham was not perfect, but because he believed God and trusted him to do what he had promised, our LORD counted him as righteous.

In the same way, we are not perfect, but if we believe and trust in God our Father and the one he sent, Jesus Christ, we also, will be counted as righteous through the amazing gift from God.

The best gift anyone could receive is forgiveness of past sin. Look to Jesus and be free.


This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.



*Transgression meaning;

An act that goes against a law, (in this case God’s law), or code of conduct, an offence.


Represent (something, especially something undesirable), as being done or possessed by someone/ascribe righteousness or guilt to someone by virtue of a similar quality in another/assign (a value to) something.


The quality of being morally right or justifiable.
