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As I wrote in the last blog, Even Jesus was tempted. (Matthew 4:4)
Jesus came down as a man, and as such He was weakened by hunger after fasting for 40 days and nights. The devil attempted to take advantage of this and trip Him up by making Jesus doubt who He was or by making Him do something God had not intended Him to do. But Jesus remembered who He was and who His Father was. He remembered that He was loved and highly favoured by His Father and that His Father would provide for all His needs and He told Satan to go away. So, Satan was overcome by the words Jesus spoke in confidence.
I think negativity is the worst temptation. When we hear negativity spoken about us or to us, we are tempted to agree with them, feel sorry for ourselves and angry towards others.
People often quote negative things to each other without even noticing it, and Satan will subtly use these words to tempt us into giving up on living the life God intended us to live. (Satan reminds of a fly buzzing round your face, distracting you from the job at hand).
Certainly, over my life, I’ve been guilty of agreeing with many negative things said about me or to me. I’ve taken them on board and allowed them to rule my life. But recently, I’ve started to say to myself, “No, I have a God who loves me." or "I am loved and highly favoured through Jesus Christ who died and rose again for me.” Or, “I reject that thought and choose joy in Jesus my saviour,” or, “My God has good things waiting for me.” etc, etc.
I am taking a stand in Jesus.
Jesus left us with His Holy Spirit, or comforter as he is often called, to guide, help and strengthen us. So, whatever happens, I know that He is always with me in spirit.
Whatever temptations I face. God willing, I will overcome them as Jesus did. By remembering who my God is and who I am in Him. And I know that if I do trip up, He does not hold it against me, but picks me up, dusts me down and sets me right again, so that I can say with confidence, “I am a child of God, get away from me Satan.” (and I spiritually flip Him out of the way!)
This is how I understand my God
Read for yourself, see what you think.