Reading 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 a while ago spoke straight to my heart. I may be repeating myself with this blog, but this scripture just always touches me deeply.
God in his wisdom chose Jesus on the cross to save the world.
Now think about for a moment. God has immense power! He created everything that is, seen and unseen. Yet this almighty, powerful being, chose to come down as an unassuming, humble carpenter’s son to save mankind from extinction.
He has the power to – and *is going to, wipe out all evil, and will start again and make everything new, including heaven and earth... yet his love for his creations and especially mankind could not allow him to do it without trying to bring as many of us as will listen us back to himself first.
As I understand it, He created us for friendship, but mankind chose to reject him. He was hurt! But time after time in the old testament we see him reaching out to his people – constantly forgiving them, calling to them and pleading with them to turn back to him. Apart from a few, they refused. So, what did this mighty God do? He chose Jesus.
To man’s way of thinking that is ridiculous! Our response would have been subjugation. But his nature is love. His response is to find a way to forgive us and call out to us even louder!
On top of that, he chooses the powerless to shame the powerful, the foolish to shame the wise and the weak to shame the strong. In short, he shows up our supposed knowledge for what it is – foolishness!
Now I am not ‘brainy,’ I am not strong, and I have no power in my life except for my own choices, and I choose Jesus as my Saviour.
I have been dismissed as, at best, nice but dim, at worst utterly stupid. But God saw something in me he could use.
With Jesus I can do things I never dreamed I would do. I had no expectations of being able to do anything good or long-lasting in my life, but he uses me in ways I didn’t expect. Like staying at something even though it may feel difficult, (Not running away as I used to do as a child), being a wife and mother, working in the same job for 15 years, reading out prayers at church, writing a blog. These may not seem much to you, but for me they are milestones! It hasn’t been overnight though. He has been constantly at my side guiding me, forgiving me when I’ve ignored him through ignorance or fear, and always finding a way to bring me through something I find difficult. He is making me strong in faith. He speaks straight to my heart and if he can choose me, he can certainly choose you! (and if you're reading this, I suspect he has already chosen you).
Through Jesus we have at our disposal the power of God through his Holy spirit, and, I believe, choosing Jesus will turn out to be the wisest thing I ever did.
This is how I understand my God.
Read for yourself, see what you think.
*Revelation chapter 21