Why is there so much evil in the world?

And why doesn't God just put an end to it? Why let it carry on?

This thought has accured to me many times, and even though I trust Jesus, I don't understand everything. However, the reading at church this week explained this question. The reading was from Matthew chapter 13, verses 24-30 & 36-43 And is Jesus way of explaining what his kingdom is like. It is a parable about a farmer who sows good seed, but an enemy comes along in the night and sows weeds amongst them.

In the explanation of the parable, Jesus says that the farmer is Himself, and the enemy is the devil.

Jesus sows good messages (good seed), which will bring a good outcome for mankind if followed, and the devil comes along and throws in bad messages (weeds), to change the outcome.

In the parable, the servants asks the farmer if they should just pull up the weeds? and the farmer says 'not yet, because you may pull up some of the good crop with it'. So he tells them to wait until the whole crop is ready, then the weeds can be pulled up and discarded, and the harvest brought home.

This is how it is on the earth. Our heavenly Father gave us a wonderful world full of good things which would be useful for mankind. But the devil sneaked in and planted seeds of doubt and unbelief in the minds of Adam and Eve, and when they believed him, they made life for themselves and all mankind very difficult.

The reason that God 'allows' the weeds to flourish is to protect the crop that is good from accidently being uprooted with the weeds.

He knew this would happen as soon as He realized Adam and Eve had believed the devil, and He has been continually pleading with us to stay faithful, even though things are difficult sometimes, so that when the day of the harvest comes the good plants will not have been choked out by the devil.

Psalm 37 is God pleading with us to stand firm and not envy the wicked, because their destruction is coming and they cannot avoid it! verses 7-10 includes;

'Be still before the Lord, and wait patiently for him;

do not fret and become angry when men succeed in their wicked ways , because this itself leads to sin. But be patient a little while then the wicked will be nowhere to be found, even if you searched for them, and the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace'.

It is hard to be patient when you see, or are on the receiving end of wickedness. But don't let their sin make you sinful. Stand firm until the harvest then all will be well for you.

I think most Christians understand that we are probably living in the last days now that Israel and Jerusalem are back in the hands of the Jews, as many end time prophesies revolve around Israel and Jerusalem. The devil is roaring like a lion to frighten you and deceive you into believing there is no God. Don't believe him!

When madness surrounds you, Be still and know that He is God, resist the devil and he will flee form you. (James 4:7)

This is how I understand my God.

Look for yourself. God wants a personal relationship with you, which may be different to my experience, but the outcome will be the same.





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