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We all doubt sometimes, even the disciples when Jesus came to them after the resurrection. They were terrified because they thought they had seen a ghost! (Luke 24:36-49)

He asked them why they were troubled and had doubts arise in their hearts. He could have been angry, but he just showed them his hands and feet as proof of who he was. He told them to handle him to prove he was indeed flesh and bone and had come back to life.

Then, while they were still doubting, he asked them for some food, so they fed him, and he ate in front of them. Then he said, these were the words which he spoken to them previously, telling them that all things must be fulfilled which were written, and so it had been necessary that he suffer then rise from the dead on the third day.

He then told them that ‘repentance and *remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things.’

I know I have doubts about whether I am understanding or believing right and doing the right things. It makes me afraid of not being acceptable to God. But He isn’t angry with me, he just finds a way to reach me again and remind me of all he had done for me, and all he had planned for me.

So if you have doubts. Go back to your bible and read quietly to yourself. He will reach out and make himself known to you.

With God, nothing is wasted...not even time. 

How wonderful is our God! He deserves my thanks and praise!

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Remission means; (

1/ The fact of being forgiven for breaking religious laws or rules.

2/ The process of reducing the amount of money that is owed….stating that it no longer needs to be paid.

3/ A period of time when an illness is less severe or not affecting someone.

4/ A reduction of the time a person has to stay in prison.