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Whilst listening to a mini sermon this morning about God’s visions, I thought, “Yes, we need your vision Lord because ours is limited!”

 We tend to get ourselves bogged down in daily life. It gradually fills our minds with ‘stuff!’ So much stuff in fact that there is no room for God. We get tired and frustrated, and this, of course, is just a perfect time for Satan to pop in and say, “You know you’re not capable, don’t you?” or, “You’ll never get it all done!” etc. This is especially true when you start a new job or project.

What we need to do is take a few minutes and say, for example, “Lord, thank you for being with me. Show me your vision for this project/job/situation.” Then give him time to help you see it, and as you get on with your life, thank him for his vision every time it comes to mind.

Also, remember that if God puts you somewhere, it is for a reason. You may not see why until later, or indeed, until we meet him in person, but believe that you are the right person for that role and do your absolute best, then Jesus will do the rest.

I’ve taken on roles I have felt apprehensive about in my life, but as I have trusted in my heavenly Father’s love for me, and walked along the path, I have achieved much more than I thought I could do. In these cases, God has seen my abilities much clearer than me, and, to his glory, used me for good. His vision was much bigger and clearer than mine.

Now if you compared them to other people’s achievements, mine may look quite small, but for me, each one is fantastic! and much more than I expected to be able to do.

I’m sure Paul felt much the same. He could not have imagined how God would use him yet look at his letters in the bible!

I thank and praise my God for his vision because it is limitless. Ask Jesus what his vision is for you and your life. You will probably be surprised and possibly a bit scared, but if you trust him, he will walk with you and guide you into your future– and it will be glorious!

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.