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One person of faith can save many. See Noah. He was the only person God could find that had any real faith. He may not have been perfect – we don’t know, but he had faith, and because of Noah’s faith, mankind was saved from entire destruction.

One person of faith can pray for a whole country! They can reach out to others and more importantly, reach out to God. (I, personally, pray for our country to remain a Christian country against all the unbelief, against all the odds, no matter what any other country says about us. I pray we remain Christian based).

Our God cannot ignore a prayer of faith. His abundant faithfulness responds to our *mustard seed faith and builds us up.

Obey his call and he will bless you.

Turn to him and he will hear you.

Ask him and he will forgive you.

Turn to him with faith and obedience and see what he can do!

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.

*Matthew 17:20