We are in a battle. The battles are with our bodily desires, with the evil in the world, and with Satan.

Jesus warned the disciples and us that we woul be opposed and suffer many troubles, and Jesus himself when through many trials and temptations.

Satan will use anything and everything to turn us away from Jesus and our salvation, so we must be ready to fight.

We wdo not however fight as the world fights, but we fight with praise, prayers. We cry out to the Lord in every situation. Then get on with our lives as best we can. 

Sometimes his reply is immediate, sometimes it takes a while, but he always answers us.

When a vast army came against Israel in 2 Chronicles 20, Jehosaphat was alarmed and sent a message out for everyone to fast and pray. He prayed aloud before the people and reminded God of what he had done in the past and of his promises to his people. God replied through Jahazeil saying. "Do not be afraid, or discouraged of thei vast army, because the battle is not yours, but the Lord's.

I believe it is the same now.

We are surrounded by and evil world, seemingly getting worse by the day. So we need to cry out to the Lord with our prayers and our  praise. 

The good news is that Jesus has fought our battles on the cross and won. So we must now rest in Him and be patient.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.