I was listening to a song called ‘Jesus have it all,’ and all the glory, praise and honour is definitely his and belongs totally to him, but what about us? Can we really give everything we have, and are, to Jesus? I have sung it in praise songs, but I doubt very much that I have actually given him everything I am.

We sometimes have a rose-tinted view on what it means to give everything to Jesus. But what if you had to give up your home? Your job? Your wages/money? Your family? Maybe even your life? Could you do that? Could I do it? I really don’t know.

I hope that I would remember what Jesus gave for me, and willingly give up whatever it takes to be with him, but, in reality, I think I may try to cling onto the things that are important to me. I think I would be praying continually for God to not put me through that. Yet, this is the reality for many people.

I stand in awe of their faith, and hope that I would be that ‘good.’ But I pray that I won’t have to!

The fact is, that we can give everything we have, everything we long for and everything are to Jesus and be confident in his love for us. (Hebrews 4:14-16, and 9:11).

I saw a notice somewhere that said something like, ‘We constantly pray for God to take us out of a bad situation, not realizing that he put us in that situation to bring something good out of us.’

Just look at Job, and many other Old Testament people.

So, we may not want to go through difficulties, but can we trust Jesus to look after us in every situation?  Yes!! (Romans 8:28-30)

I think I’m going to read through Romans 8 again…….I haven’t read it for some time.


This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.