I heard a sermon on TV where the minister said, ‘The important thing is not that we love God, but that He first loved us.’

I’ve heard it before and it always makes me stop and think, because it is the reason I love God.

I love Him because he first loved me enough to send his only begotten and well loved son to the cross to save me.

My meagre attempts to love Him are nothing compared to what he was prepared to do to prove His love for me.

He gave his only begotten Son, whom he loved dearly, to face ridicule and extreme pain just to bring us close to himself.

Jesus gave his own body to take the punishment I deserved for my sins.

What a friend we have in God, what a saviour who gave his life for me before I even knew him.

As he is the bread of life, Food for thought!

This is how I understand my God.

Look for yourself, see what you think.

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