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(Hebrews 12:29. See also *Exodus 24:17, 2 Samuel 22:9, Isaiah 30:30 & 33:14, Deuteronomy4:24)

Isaiah 33 in my bible is headed ‘Distress and Help,’ and is a warning to those who trample others underfoot to get what they want, and a promise to those who choose God. Verse 12 says ‘The peoples will be burned to ashes; like cut thorn bushes they will be set ablaze.’ And verse 14 says “Who can dwell with the consuming fire? Who of us can dwell with everlasting burning?” And goes on to tell us who will escape;

 “Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands free from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil – they are the ones who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress.”

If you’re thinking that this rules you out because you have spoken badly about someone, accepted a bribe (or a ‘perk of the job’ as they used to call it), listened and even agreed with someone who is plotting murder, watched something you know is bad or contemplated joining in with something you know is not really right because ‘everyone else does it!’ then you are not alone! Most of us have done at least one of them – that’s why our loving, Heavenly Father came to us in Jesus, so that anyone who believes on him will be saved from the day of His anger!

In other word’s Jesus is our ‘get out of jail card’ For those of you who have never played monopoly, this is a card you pick up and get to keep until you need it. With Jesus, we pick up his righteousness when we repent and turn to him as our Saviour. Then, on the day of God's anger, when we need protection, we stand in our faith in Jesus who saved us. Without Jesus, we are all doomed to the rewards of our sins, and even the best of us have sinned, but with Jesus we are saved because Jesus took all God's anger on himself so that we don't have to worry about being consumed in it. It doesn't mean you can carry on as you are and just pull out the card with his name on it and get through the door of heaven. NO! You have to truly believe in him and change your mind about Jesus and about how you live - and he will know the difference.

If that doesn't change the way we think I don't know what will!

 This is how I understand my God. Read for yourself, see what you think.