What is the way?

Christians used to be known as people of the way. They preached 'the way to heaven', which is Jesus. In Acts 9:2 Saul, (who later became Paul), worked for the synagogue and went to ask permission to go to Damascus to search out any people of 'the way', so that he could put them into prison.  

Some will say that there are many ways to heaven, but Jesus tells us this is not so. He said 'I am the way the truth and the life.'  (Notice he is THE way, THE truth, and THE life - not A way). He goes on to say No-one comes to the Father except by me.' This makes it very clear. Jesus is the only way to heaven.

I believe 2 Samuel 22:31 is talking about Jesus when it says, 'As for God his way is perfect.' In fact from at least verse 25, it seems to be talking about Jesus. And also in Isaiah 30:19-21, God is talking to the people of Jerusalem when he tells Isaiah to say, 'How gracious he will be when you cry for help, As soon as he hears you he will answer you. Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way, walk in it'.' Then he tells them they will abandon the false gods they have been following.

Hebrews 10:19-21 says 'Therefore brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of the lamb by a new and living way opened for us by the curtain - that is his body...'

The writer is talking to the Jews whose only way into the Most Holy Place in the temple was not for everyone, but the one chosen priest who carried the blood of the sacrifice through the veil or curtain which kept it seperate form the outside world, and poured it onto the mercy seat of God.

This is what Jesus is for everyone! He is the sacrificial blood poured on the mercy seat of God so that all who believe will be acceptable to God Most High.

If there was another way, why didn't Jesus just tell everyone? Why would he go through all that pain and suffering, shedding his blood sweat and tears if there was another way?  It doesn't make sense unless he was telling the truth.

So what you have to do is decide, do you believe?

I urge you all to look into it for yourselves. Know one knows the day or the hour when Jesus will return, and if you wait until you see him - it will be too late.

He has given his blood for you. freely by His grace. Accept it in the knowledge that God loves you and wants to bring you close to him. 

This is how I understand my God, read for yourself, see what you think.

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