I just caught a bit of something on T.V.  this morning on how diamonds are made.

The person was saying how carbon is pressed and pressed by the rocks and things around them, and that extreme pressure turns ordinary carbon into a beautiful, strong, crystal. Then we take that crystal, shape it and polish it, and turn it into a thing of beauty.

I thought immediately that this is what God does for us. Is this why he allows difficulties in our lives?

He doesn’t send problems, I must make that clear. God is pure love, it is not in his nature to harm his creations. However, he will use what the devil intends to harm us with, to our advantage. (There is a scripture which backs this up, but I can’t find it at the moment). If we allow him to, our loving Heavenly Father will use the pain and stress sent by satan to make us better, stronger, more beautiful people. He will make us a treasure for himself.

So, if you feel under pressure, give it to the Lord. Let him shape and polish you into his beautiful treasure.

He already sees you as the finished article, that he has a plan for us from our birth. In Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah is told by God that, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.’  Psalm 40:5 talks about ‘the things you have planned for us’

So trust him to take you through life’s joys and sorrows, the leisure times and the pressured times.

You are his treasure.

He will not forsake you or let you down. 

This is how I understand my God.

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