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When reading 1 Timothy chapter 1 yesterday morning I came across this

‘The grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.’ (Verse 14)

Paul is talking to the faithful, warning them not to be confused by those who ‘take more interest in myths and genealogies,’ (a line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor), which only served to promote speculations  - which then led into vain discussions by those who wanted to be teachers of the law (of Moses I presume), but unfortunately, they did not have the necessary understanding of what they were saying, and so there was, I think, much confusion in Ephesus. Paul reminds Timothy that it is better to progress in God’s work – which is by faith, the goal of love, rather than to have endless discussions on sticking to the *letter of the law.

Paul goes on to say that the law is good if used properly – that is, if they understand it and follow it in the proper manner and, if they understand that the law was not only for the retribution of the just, but for the benefit of the lawless, ungodly and sinners, and he goes on to list some of the behaviours God dislikes.

I think here Paul means, that the law was set for the just to get justice, but also it should help the unjust/lawless/sinners understand why their behaviour is wrong so that they can change their ways, (repent), and become acceptable to God, and also their neighbours. Read it and see what you think.

In verse 13, Paul says he counts himself as a sinner, however, he goes on to say that he was shown mercy so that in Paul, Christ Jesus could display his goodness in a clear way.

Christ said in John 8:28, “I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me…..for I always do what pleases him.”  Jesus has immense patience because he sees the Father’s patience in dealing with mankind. He is kind, just, loving, patient, abundant in grace, bringing blessings and healing to anyone who receives him, and he is willing to do what-ever it takes to get our attention – even going to the cross to exchange his innocence for our guilt, his righteousness for our unrighteousness and his grace for our sin.

If that isn’t overflowing grace, I don’t know what is!

1 Timothy 1:17 Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever! Amen.

May God's overflowing grace fall on you and your families, and may you receive it with humble gratitude. Amen.

This is how I understand my God.

Read for yourself, see what you think.