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I’m sure I have talked about this before, but I thought about it again recently, so I decided to revisit it and put it under a heading I will remember – hopefully. (If you have seen it before, sorry if I’m boring you with repeats).

I was trying to think of a way to explain God’s Plan for his creations in a way that people today might understand, and I keep coming back to this.

A man decides to build a factory. He designs a beautiful building in beautiful surroundings.

In it, he plans for the needs of those who will work there. He designs beautiful canteens, rest areas, toilets etc: He designs the factory to be both beautiful and efficient. He makes smooth running, easy to use equipment with the safety of his workers keen in his mind. There is just one area where people cannot go, because of the dangers that lie within.

His Son builds it for him, exactly as he planned, and it was glorious! The workers loved the factory and the owner was happy.

Then he went away for a while. Whilst he was away, a jealous board member decides to ‘put a spanner in the works,’ to ruin what is there in the hope that in the ensuing chaos, he could gain control of the factory for himself. So, he tells the workers that the room marked as dangerous is not life threatening. He says it is, in fact, where all the knowledge of the owner is kept, and the owner is just keeping it to himself so that he can ‘Lord it’ over them.

He tells them that if they went in, they would become as clever as the owner. The workers decide to see if it is true. They go into the room. They see computers full of files which contain all sorts of information. After a quick browse, and with the encouragement of the jealous board member, they decide that they no longer need the boss, as they now have the knowledge to do everything for themselves and proceed to make a few changes to the way the factory is run.

When the owner comes back, he is dismayed. He tells them that due to their lack of trust, they have endangered themselves and that he cannot protect them as before.

As the years go by, the workers make many changes to the factory, but because they do not have the experience of the owner, nor the love of people that the owner has, productivity begins to fail, and people get injured and die. They make productivity a priority and to ensure it goes smoothly, they make a hierarchy of workers, which only serves to make people greedy and self-serving, especially with the whispering of the jealous board member.

They fail to notice, that the jealous board member is constantly whispering dissent into their ears, so regular chaos ensues. The board member is laughing behind their backs because he considers them insignificant and unimportant, he does not care if they are injured or even die, as long as he gets what he wants – the factory full of workers who worship him!

The owner sends mediators in regularly to try and encourage the workforce to come back to him for help, but they not only refuse they beat or even kill the mediators. Finally, he sends in the original builder, his only begotten son, to offer the workers a last chance to come back to him before the he is forced to destroy the factory, which is close to total ruin and will eventually be of no use to anyone.

The workers kill him. But the Son not only rises again, he forgives anyone who comes to him - no matter what they have done in the past, and he offers them protection and a place in the new factory which will be built when the time is right.

We are in that waiting period now. The Son has been killed and has risen again. We have his forgiveness if we ask for it, and we have a glorious future awaiting us if we choose it. The time for destroying the old factory is getting near. We don’t know when it will be, but we have been given the signs of what will happen beforehand in Revelations, Daniel and many other places in the bible.

As Jesus said. “Those who have an ear, let them hear.” In other words, open your eyes to what is going on and listen to the one who loves you enough to die for you – Jesus Christ, our redeemer.

This is how I understand my God.

Get yourself a bible. Read for yourself, see what you think.